The impact of long-term land uses on organic carbon stocks in a
landscape of similar soil texture classification in N. Ireland.

Masters Student from Wageningen University and Research, Ricardo Buffara has his ARC Zero soil research work presented as a poster at the annual research meeting of the joint British and Irish Societies of Soil Science on the 27th of November 2023.
Ricardo spent four months at Brook Hall Estate, one of the ARCZero Farms, looking at the consequence of difference long term land uses of soil organic carbon stocks, on depths within the soil where carbon was being laid down and on bulk densities.
Ricardo’s work was very well received with considerable interest in seeing that land uses that have complex and diverse plant species and root architecture, like silvo-pasture where grasses grow amongst the legumes, herbs and trees, had 50t of carbon per hectare more that any of the different plant monocultures seen in the other four land uses.